Episode 12 - Aftercare

Dr. Good Vibes contains strong language, adult themes and depictions of high impact sex and or violence. This podcast is recommended for mature audiences. Listener discretion is advised.

Terence: Just sign here and here and you're all done. Thanks.

Your insurance company should be in touch in the next couple of weeks. Great. So, heading back home? 

Hal: Uh, yeah. 

Terence: Well, if you're ever in the neighborhood, you should give me a call. 

Hal: Oh, uh, yeah. I'll, uh, I'll do that. Terrence, right? 

Terence: Yeah, right here on the badge. 

Hal: Of course. There it is.

Terence: Alright, let's get you out of here.

 (Terence wheels Hal out of the hospital doors) 

 (Hal struggles to get out of the wheelchair) 

Terence: You good? 

Hal: Yeah, I got it. 

Terence: Great. Have a safe trip. 

Hal: Thanks, Terrence.

 (Hal lights a cigarette) 

Hal: Oh, thank God.

Callaway: How are you doing, Hal? 

Hal: I have been out of the hospital, 30 seconds. 

Callaway: We figured you might need a ride. Long drive. 

Hal: I've got a car on the way. 

Milton: Nah, cancel that. We can take you. It'll give us a chance to have a chat. 

Hal: See, I would, but even with two weeks in recovery, my hands aren't working so good at the moment. Phone's kind of a challenge.

Callaway: We spoke to the local PD. Is this really the store you're going with? 

Hal: It might seem a little unconventional, but the therapeutic benefits of extreme bondage are well documented. I'm not gonna say it didn't get a little out of hand, but the Amals had a lot of built up anger inside them, which put a lot of strain on their marriage.

And I'm just happy I could help them in some small way. 

Milton: Seriously, Kitchener. 

Hal: Seriously. 

Milton: They were going to kill you. 

Hal: Things were said in the heat of the moment, sure. But I'm not so certain of that myself. 

Milton: This is fucking ridiculous. 

Callaway: Hal?

Hal: Yeah? 

Callaway: We were only actively monitoring your brother's calls and communications because we thought that you might reach out to him.

Nobody was looking where you were. You got lucky. 

Milton: Too fucking lucky. 

Hal: Yeah, I feel lucky. 

Milton: You're sure this is how this is going down? 

Hal: Don't know what to tell you. 

Milton: For fuck's sake.

 (A car arrives) 

Hal: Hey, looks like my ride's here. Don't get in that car kitchen, huh? 

Milton: We're not done talking. 

Hal: Why are you so worked up, Agent Milton? 

Milton: Why am I so worked up? 

Callaway: Rick. Take a walk, bud.

 (Milton leaves) 

Callaway: You headed home? 

Hal: Sure, yeah. 

Callaway: Last chance? If this isn't a kidnapping that crossed state lines, then we've got no reason to be here. 

Hal: Don't know what to tell you.

Callaway: You still got my card? 

Hal: Yeah, somewhere. 

Callaway: Tell you what, here's a fresh one. You remember anything differently and you give us a call. 

Hal: Whatever you say. 

Callaway: Why, why are you smiling? 

Hal: Sorry, you're uh, you're just the second person to give me their number in like 20 minutes. I'm on a tear, the whole walking wounded thing might just work for me.

It's uh, not something I've thought to try before. 

Callaway: Get in the car, Hal. 

Hal: It's a big 10 4, Agent.

 (Hal gets in the car, which drives away) 

Milton: We're just gonna let him go? 

Callaway: Looks like it. Just the way it goes sometimes. 

Milton: Don't do that shit. That fucking sage older partner shit. You're four years older than me. 

Callaway: Am I, Rick? Am I? 

Milton: Yes. 

Callaway: Go get the car.

Hal: Mick. 

Mick: Harry? It's Hal. 

Hal: Now. But I think you know that. 

Mick: Of course. Can't believe I'm getting a visit from the famous Dr Goodvibes. 

Hal: You get a lot of time to listen to podcasts in here? 

Mick: Used to be I got an hour a day on the computer. Good behavior. 

Hal: I don't think that'll last much longer. 

Mick: Yeah, no, your friends at the Bureau recorded that call I got and played it for the Warden. So I'm afraid you won't be getting any more downloads from me.

Hal: Huh. I'll have to send Agent Calloway some flowers. . 

Mick: What are you doing here, Harry? 

Hal: I'm not really sure, to be honest. I was happy to let you be here. But you opened this relationship back up, in your own roundabout way. So I figured you wanted to talk. But I can just go, if you don't. I figure there's about 15 dead plants in my apartment I'm gonna have to throw out once I get back.

Mick: They really fucked you up, huh? 

Hal: Yeah. They ran me through it. I would have been impressed if I wasn't dissociating most of the time. 

Mick: Can't believe you let them skate. They really were going to kill you. They told me so. 

Hal: Yeah, well, they were working off some bad information, so I'm trying not to take it personally.

Mick: Christ,

you really are a fucking saint, aren't you? Saving all the violent perverts out there in the world from themselves. Where the fuck were you when I needed you? 

Hal: I was kind of going through my own shit at the time. 

Mick: Yeah, I noticed. 

Hal: Oh, I know. Apparently you were watching, you skeevy little weirdo. If you hadn't murdered two people, I'd be really unimpressed.

It's fucking gross, but peeping hardly seems worth getting mad about at this point.

Were you in love with Ruby, Mick? 

Mick: Fuck off, Harry. I'm not doing one of your segments. 

Hal: I know you were there that day, listening. You must have been furious when she hit on me, right? I'm sorry. That must have torn you up inside. 

Mick: Is this a joke? Why are you talking to me like some sort of hard boiled detective?

Hal: Yeah. You know what? You're right. If you wanted to tell anyone what happened, you would have already. I think I'm just gonna bounce. Have fun in solitary, ya piece of shit. I'm never gonna forgive you for what you put Ma through, or you put the Amals through, what you did to Ruby and that other woman, on the extremely remote chance that that was what you were looking for.

I hope you rot in here, Mick. 

Mick: Jesus, 

I can tell you only minored in psychology. Was that supposed to get a rise out of me? 

Hal: No, that was 100 percent just for my satisfaction. You tried to get me killed, and I don't know why. If you're not gonna tell me, then we've got nothing to talk about.

 (Hal gest up and walks away, Mick bangs on the window) 

Hal: What?

Mick: Pick up the phone.

 (Hal does so, returning to his seat) 

Mick: Fine. I was in love with her. 

Hal: Okay. 

Mick: She was in love with you. 

Hal: No, she wasn't. She was a kid with a crush. Don't make it more than it was. 

Mick: No, Harry. She was. Head over heels, properly mad about you. And I knew it, down to my bones, but I didn't care because it meant that she kept coming around. I only told her what you were into because I thought it would gross her out, but it didn't.

That's how into you she was. By the time you rejected her, she had it in her head that's what she wanted, and I convinced her to try it with me. 

Hal: You took the stuff from under my bed? 

Mick: Yeah. But as soon as I had her tied up, the second the paddle hit her for the first time, she knew it wasn't about that, it was about just.

She begged me to take her down, but by that time I was committed. Wasn't willing to. In the end, I only gave her what she thought she wanted. I gave her the full Harry Lockhart bondage and domination experience. 

Alana let you off lightly. You were into some fucked up stuff, Hal. 

Hal: That's debatable. 

Mick: Yeah, well, up until I put the rope around her throat, I only did exactly what I'd seen you do.

Actually, even then. 

Hal: So you're saying it's my fault that you killed Ruby? 

 (A beat) 

Hal: Don't fucking shrug at me. Is that what you're saying? 

Mick: If the gimp mask fits. 

Hal: And what about the other girl, Mick? What part of watching me spank my high school girlfriend's ass made you stab a random woman on the street 35 times? I know you never saw me do that.

Mick: No. No, you never did that. And, uh, honestly, I wouldn't recommend it. 

Hal: Who was she to you, Mick? What did she do to deserve that?

Mick: She was there, Harry. Do you know what it's like to have experienced something so life changing that the constant thrum of energy just sits in the back of your mind? I dropped out of school. I took work where I could find it and drove that shitbox car that Uncle Ramon gave to Mum, but I didn't care. I was untouchable.

The rest of my life almost didn't matter, and then, after a while, that feeling starts to fade. You lose touch, and every part of your life that was bathed in the shine of that moment falls into shadow. You see how dull and unfortunate your life really is. 

Hal: Jesus Christ, Mick. 

Mick: What? 

Hal: That'd be almost poetic if you weren't talking about what motivated you to kill someone.

Mick: I'm not incapable of self reflection. I know who I am. you Not a lot of people in here can say that. 

Hal: So, what, you just wanted to recapture your misspent youth? 

Mick: I prefer my way of saying it, but sure. I didn't know her, there would have been no motive, no clues, and I would have watched the cops and whoever run around like headless chickens trying to track down her boyfriend or ex husband.

But I got caught up in the moment. I thought for so long that we were the same. You know, that we had the same urges. You were just Better at suppressing them, or indulging them in a way that could be socially acceptable. But weirdly, after listening to your show, I realized we don't want even close to the same thing.

If you had the needs that I have, consensual nipple electrocution would never cut the mustard. Not even close. Guess in the end it really was about the violence.

Hey, you asked. 

Hal: Yeah, not really. No, it's not that. I I just don't even know what to do with the information that I was almost killed because you were mad at me for not Stealing the girl that you liked. 

Mick: Oh god. No, Harry. That's so petty I just thought when I heard you on that podcast proudly talking about what a bondage freak you are You're quite popular in here, by the way But maybe maybe I could cast enough doubt on my conviction that the whole thing would fall apart I mean, there's at least four other podcasts I've listened to that are just that 

Hal: just what? 

Mick: Just some sociopath tricking some starry eyed journalism grad into turning getting their conviction overturned into their life's work. Hell, I didn't even mean to do that, but it still happened. You know your um, uh, nurse, producer, lady, really doesn't think very highly of you.

Hal: Yeah, no, she doesn't. I heard her show while I was in the hospital. 

Mick: It's good, right? Very engaging. I like the way she set it all up. But yeah, like you said, it wasn't personal.

Harry? You okay? 

Hal: No.

My body hurts, my fingers won't bend properly, and I can't really see out of my left eye. 

Mick: Sorry about that. What? If I could have thought of a way out of here that didn't involve tricking the Amals into torturing you to death, I would have done it. 

Hal: Well that's Thank you? I guess? 

Mick: No problem.

Hal: I've I've gotta be honest, Mick, I was not expecting you to be this forthcoming. Now you've answered my questions, uh, some in more detail than I really wanted, but whatever you'll want. I think I'm gonna go. 

Mick: Okay, that's cool. I understand. Oh, if you decide to come back, uh, make sure you call ahead. I heard they're planning to move me to Supermax in the next couple of weeks.

I guess they're kind of mad at me for all that shit I pulled. Even if they're not going to charge the Amals with attempted murder. 

Hal: Yeah, sure. I'll do that. 

Mick: Okay, see you bro. 

 (Mick hangs up) 

Mick: (Muffled) Geoff! We're all done here!.

Hal: Yeah, see you, bro.

 (Hal hangs up) 

Hal: All right, only one stop left on this tour of hell.

Katie: Oh, shit.

Hal: Hey, Katie. 

Katie: Hey, Hal. I didn't, I didn't know you were out of the hospital. How are you feeling? 

Hal: Good. Well, better, at least. 

Katie: Oh, good. That's good. What are you, uh, what are you doing here? 

Hal: Had a meeting with Gemma about the, about the show. Cardworks again, so, officially not suspended anymore. 

Katie: Oh, great. 

Hal: Yeah, so you met my brother?

Katie: Yeah, uh, he's, he's kind of a weird guy. 

Hal: Oh yeah, he is definitely that.

Katie: How I If You go ahead. 

Hal: No, I'm You can go first, talking is still a bit hard for me. 

Katie: Because of the torture? 

Hal: Yeah, that's Fully consensual torture. 

Katie: Yes, that. 

Hal: That's the one. How did you know about that? 

Katie: I, uh, I made a contact in the Western PD. 

Hal: Wow. No, it's not that. You are so fucking good at this stuff. I can't believe you wasted this talent for four years working on my show.

Katie: What? 

Hal: I listened to Dr. Bad Vibes. It's so good. I mean, obviously massively inaccurate for a huge chunk, but you were given bad information, so I can hardly hold that against you. 

Katie: You're not mad at me? 

Hal: Uh, well, I thought about it, but considering what other people who were given the same information did with it I don't know.

Didn't seem like much of a contest. When did you find out about Ruby? Like the real Ruby. 

Katie: Ten minutes after we finished recording the episode where Alana called in.

Hal: Fastest search bar in the west.

Katie: I didn't, I, I it, it wasn't my idea. See 

Hal: now that surprises me because it is a great concept for a show. 

Katie: Well, yeah, I mean, it was my idea, but not because. Gemma had LegalPool all the audio around the Alana calls when you were suspended and they found the stuff I'd recorded off your phone. When she asked why I had it, I told her the truth, that I thought something was going on and she was like, well, are you going to do something with it?

Because if it is for a show, it makes sense. But if it's not for a show, it seems like you were recording another employee without the consent. And, and so I was like, yep, definitely a show. And I kind of made up the pitch on the spot and she was like, well, I want to see a full pitch pack by the end of the week.


Hal: Hey, stop. 

Katie: Okay. 

Hal: What are they going to do about the show now? 

Katie: Well, it's a four quadrant hit, so they're not gonna let a little libel get in the way. We're retooling it, making it about the unsolved Overland Slayer murders. I think most of the pilot and some of the stuff in your brother's interview is still usable, but obviously we're gonna have to change the title.

Hal: Yeah, if you wouldn't mind. What are you thinking? 

Katie: Not sure yet. I was working on it when you came in, but I'm kind of stuck. 

Hal: How stuck? 

Katie: I don't know. 

For 15 minutes before you arrived I was just making race car noises into the microphone.

Hal: Wow. Yeah. That is stuck. I mean, uh, let me know if I can help. I'm actually pretty good at that kind of stuff. Naturally verbose. 

Katie: That you are. What are they gonna do about the late shift? 

Hal: Well, apparently, your show and the headlines sent back catalogue listens through the roof, but You know, we'll see if that translates into new listeners, or if it's just couch detectives combing through old episodes for clues that I was a murderer all along to post on Reddit.

Katie: Oof. 

Hal: Guess I need a new producer, though. Can you recommend anyone? 

Katie: Noah's free. Well, not free, but I'm sure he'd jump ship from what he's doing if you asked. If you can manage to work with the violently simmering undertone of romantic tension. 

Hal: Oh, that is right in my wheelhouse. Though it turns out what I thought was you nursing a little crush was actually you working me for information about my serial killer brother.

So maybe it'll be fine. 

Katie: You thought I had a crush on you? Well, 

Hal: yeah. Maybe a little one. You're suddenly asking me a lot of questions about my past and my dating history and you wanted to go places with me. We'd worked together for long enough that I figured that Even if I'm way not your type, you might have developed an interest.

Katie: Gross. 

Hal: All right, pump the brakes. Why don't you just pump the fucking brakes there? Why don't you just pump them? 

Katie: Hey. 

Hal: Yeah? 

Katie: I don't suppose you want to come do an interview on as yet unnamed true crime podcast? It'd really help me segue out of the bad vibes arc into the main story. 

Hal: Yeah, no. I don't think so.

If you can't get by with what you already have from secretly recording my phone calls, you probably shouldn't have a podcast. 

Katie: Hot, but Fair.

Hal: Wait. Who gets this studio? 

Katie: You do. 

Hal: Oh. Nice. 

Katie: They're moving me into studio two. 

Hal: Wow. Fancy. 

Katie: Three producers, I need the extra space. 

Hal: Good for you. When are you, uh, when are you gonna, uh, 

Katie: They're sending the guys tomorrow. 

Hal: Ah. Well then, I guess I'll uh, I guess I'll go home and lie down. Did you happen to feed my cat?

Katie: What? No. I'm kidding, I don't have a cat. Thank god. 

Hal: I am gonna go though. 

Katie: Okay. 

Hal: I uh, I dunno, I guess I'll see you around. 

Katie: Hi Hal. 

Hal: Hi Katie.

Katie: Hal? 

Hal: Yeah? What's up? 

Katie: I'm, uh,

I'm gonna hug you now. 

Hal: Oh, uh, I mean, yeah, okay. 

Katie: Ah! 

Hal: Oh, my bones! 

Katie: Oh, sorry, I 

Hal: No, I was kidding. Mostly. I'm okay.

Katie: I'm glad you're not a murderer. 

Hal: Yeah, me too. 

Katie: I'm sorry I secretly recorded you and made a podcast about how you killed someone. 

Hal: It's okay. 

Katie: I'm sorry I tried to slay up you. 

Hal: Hey, you had your reasons. 

Katie: Okay.

Hal: Katie, this is a really great hug. But, see, this is the kind of stuff that makes me think you have a crush on me. 

Katie: Fuck off, Hal. 

Hal: Yeah, you too. I'll, uh, I'll see ya.

Katie: My name is Katie Bradley, and this is Trail of Blood, The Search for the Overland Slayer. I'm Katie Bradley, and this is Frontier Psychopathy. Eastbound and dead? Nope, I'm getting further away from it. Mew!


Dr. Good Vibes is a Neon Diner production. Written, produced, and directed by Richard P. Doyle. Editing and sound design by Ramon Samson. It features the vocal talents of Richard P. Doyle, Rachel Slee, Erin Landy, Nat Jensen, Jasper Garner Gore, Louis Vaal. Full credits can be found in the show notes. Dr. Good Vibes is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

So please subscribe to ensure you never miss an episode.

Mick: Hey, do you know how much longer this is gonna take? It's really hot back here. 

Guard: Shut the fuck up, Lockhart. We'll get there when we get there. This is your own fault. 

Mick: What did I do? 

Guard: Forget that other shit you pulled. The warden was already pretty unimpressed with that interview. Not to mention that sick avalanche of fan mail that followed it.

He wants you gone. 

Mick: Yeah, that was surprising. People are kind of messed up, hey? 

Guard: Yeah, they are.

Mick: You riding straight back after? 

Guard: Shut the fuck up, Lockhart. I'm not gonna tell you again. 

Mick: Okay, okay. 

 (Beeping, honking) 

Mick: You, uh, got a girlfriend? 

Guard: Right, that's it. I'm gonna crack your fucking skull open with this 

 (The prison transport overturns, the guards are executed by an unknown assailant, who drags Mick from the vehicle) 

Mick: No! 


No, no, no!


Episode 11 - Submission